which was today, there art will look nice and have lots of different colours.

This blog is a record of my learning from Primary School through to College.
On Wednesday we year 8s went to Tamaki for a college experience and it was fun. We had heaps of activities to do while we were spending our time there.
The first thing we did was Maths. For maths we basically didn’t do math, we just had fun with heaps of Bots that we could control and make them go around the room.
The second thing we did was PE. But this one was actually different because they had Gaming Pc's and then they had physical work. Among our group we did a rotations, we did some fun games in the gym while the other rotation was at the gaming Pc’s
The last rotation was Social studies. We just talked to each other about different subjects that the teacher gave us.
After everything we had lunch. For lunch we had pizza, there were so many pizzas we were able to grab a whole box for ourselves.