WALT:calculate perimeter and length of a rectangle
task description:learning fractions
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Thursday, 14 June 2018
WALT:identify the main point in the text.

task description:learning about different console.
task description:learning about different console.
WALT:identify the main point it the text.

task description:learning about different consoles.
task description:learning about different consoles.
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Has your school ever done Matariki before? and split you up into groups for the day? Well our school has and it was fun i was in movie making.i did not want to be in that group but atless i was in a group and it turned out to be fun and the people that i where in my group was Ben,Pachal,Tj,Iziha, Sione k and another Ben but we called the other Ben Ben 10
And that was the best group i have had.
When we started our activities me and my friend where complaining about what group we were in but then we realised that move making was kind of fun.our heads where gaining interest in what group we were in.anyways so we started our activities and jumped onto a computer and started to listen to songs and which song we were going to do for our movie but some of the boys just wanted to listen to songs and play around,so it was just me Ben 10 and Ben who were actually trying to find a song for our movie.the song we choose for our movie was This is me and everyone agreed to the song that me, Ben 10 and Ben found on the internet,so we did that song and hoped that the song will mach and in my head it looked like it was going to be perfect.
So after the girls did there video miss Lungetupu gave us the camera so we took it out to the field.our first video the boys were playing rugby then me and Ben 10 were thinking of doing around the school tour but since the boys where having fun we decided to keep it as it is.as we were playing and videoing Pachal said that it was getting boring,so me and Ben 10 said how about a tour around the school , he just got angry and walked to where the little kids eat. so i tolled all of them to hurry up because the camera had only 15 more min till the camera dies out of battery. knowone hurried up so we just went with the idea and did the tour around the school and we interviewed miss Noah and asked her what is matariki about and what kind of food do we eat on matariki day.
We were out of time so we asked he those two questions and went back to the creative space and edited our video.by the time we were finished lunch time was nearly over so we just joined in with the rugby league team and started playing with them.when lunch time was finished we meet up at creative space to watch some videos that people made for there movie.
After we watched there movie we went to the hall for assembly.when we were at the hall we were watching the same two movies that we watched in the creative space then we watched some kids go up on the stage to show what they made.the other thing they did was when the people that were going up one of them had to tell what they did and how it felt and after the assembly we went home team by team and that was my beautiful lovely day
task description:write about Matariki day on Friday
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
little red Savage hood twist
One beautiful day there was a little girl name Savage hood.she was a nice girl but if you make her angry then she will go Savage mode[she will go ape on you],her mum asked her if she wanted to take some cookies to her grandma because she was sick in bed.so savage hood said yes and seat off into the forest.
As she was going through the forest skipping along the way she meet a wolf.When she saw the wolf she was terrified but she kept walking along the path,then she stopped and asked the wolf why is he following her and he said i'm just heading the way your going little girl and she just starred.So she carried on walking to grandmas house.
When she was walking the wolf disappeared like a blink of an eye.the wolf went to the back of grandma house and snuck in through the back door.as the wolf entered the back door from grandma's house, grandma was sleeping so the wolf went Up to the bed and then the wolf swallowed grandma hole,then when Savage hood came in she did not know what to do so she ran away.As she was running all she could see was smoke come out of the chimney,so she went back to grandma's house, when she opened the door she saw her grandma in super saiyan.when grandma calmed down she gave she grandma the cookies and her and savage hood started eating the cookies the wolf did not live but atlessed Savage hood and grandma lived happily ever after.
But they never knew that the wolf had a mother and the mother was watching everything that happen in the house.As Savage hood was about to go to bed she heard a scream and it sounded like grandma,so savage hood ran out of hear room and out the front door and started running to grandma’s house.
When she got to grandma’s house grandma was hurt around her kidney.when Savage hood looked there was a knife inside grandma’s kidney,so Savage hood ran as fast as she can to her mum and told her that grandma was hurt so they got into the car and drove straight to grandma and picked her up and drove to the hospital.When they were at the hospital Savage hood’s mum started to go to sleep,Then Savage hood saw a shadow go past so she went to the shadow and the shadow went to the same place where her grandma got stabbed.So she started thinking why the shadow lead her to the same place,then her mind switched on and thought the shadow must of been the person that stabbed grandma.
Then the shadow came into the light and Savage hood said a wolf again.The wolf smiled and said yes i am the mother of the wolf you killed then they started to eye each other out.Then with a mighty hit the wolf scratched savage hood then Savage hood got so angry that she went super saiyan ultra insteanked,with a big,big.big,big blase and the mighty words kame,hume.,haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and Savage hood let out a big blast and ended the wolf,and Savage hood said that was for stabbing my grandma and scratching me you hitehist beast and Savage hood and her family lived happily ever after.
The end
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