Task description: we are showing people what us and our families do for the household. Here is what e and my parents do in our household.
Monday, 31 August 2020
Family things
Task description: we are showing people what us and our families do for the household. Here is what e and my parents do in our household.
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Task description: We are learning to use different types of sentences to improve our writing as Year 8.
Task description: We are learning to use different types of sentences to improve our writing as Year 8.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Thursday, 20 August 2020
6 Sentences
Sentence 1: Start with ‘Once upon a time’ and introduce the main character done
Sentence 2: Describes where the character lived done
Sentence 3: Describes where the character’s special talent
Sentence 4: Describes the character’s problem done
Sentence 5: Tells why the character felt that way happy when had a job
Sentence 6: Tells how the character solved the problem done
1. Once upon a time there was a girl name Gabriela Wood
2 In her hometown Auckland,Gabriela Wood is known for being very nice and polite to people.
3.Gabriela lives in a full house with her parents and brothers but they are not doing so well because they broke.
4.Gabriela has an ability to make people happy whenever they see her because she's so polite and respectful.
The problem is that her family are very violent with her dad always hitting them all the time for no reason.
6.She felt scared of her dad because if she told him how she felt he would have hit her and she would cry.So she told her dad and he hit her but after that they came to an agreement that he wouldn't hit her anymore.
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Monday, 17 August 2020
Friday, 14 August 2020
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Monday, 10 August 2020
If you were to give ideas for the next year 7/8 camp what would you suggest?I suggest that they make more groups and do more activities.
What would you keep?everything
What would you stop?nothing
What would you add?I like it the way it is.
Why do we have such events?to have so much fun.
Talk about whare tapa whā and key competencies? I think there all good because it helps you in different ways.
Quick finishers could make up a programme for 2021 events
Last week was very cool because me and the year 8 got to got to kvcc camping grounds. The activities we got to do is air riffles,Archery,goat car,ropes,paint ball and many more. The highlight of the camp was air riffles because when me Aurther and Leonidas were waiting we were telling funny jokes and mucking around with each other.