Monday, 19 November 2018


One day there was a boy named Benson who loved to go on boats and go places. He has even been on the TITANIC have you ever heard of the Titanic? The Titanic is the biggest boat the world has ever seen,heard or been on,it’s basically a gigantic two story boat with a pool,class,bafe and everything you would not expect on a is a image of the titanic sinking. 

That is the TITANIC and he has been on that well when it was still up and running.

One afternoon he went on a ferry ride on the boats and was headed for Motuora island. To see and explore the wild life there on that island,and also to see one of his favourite animal a wallaby. If you are wondering what a wallaby is it is a type or species of Kangaroos. The similarities with the Wallaby and the Kangaroo is that they have a pouch and their babies are sitting,sleeping or watching outside of the pouch. So they were going to Motuora island and the captain that was staring the boat did not even know that he was going to the wrong island,but as usual since he is a captain he thinks that he knows these ways and were he is going.

So Benson just left it and let him think he knows were he is going. So on there way to the wrong island Benson got hungry and had a little snake, he ate a sandwich and his apple and also a little sip from his silvernair he got from a boat. It’s called a canteen, t is a olden day drink bottle that they can carry around all day, after he took a sip he had a little nap on his bag.

It had been about 2 and a half hours from then, and they had just stopped at Kawau island. Because they had broke down and the engineer that was with them had never seen something like this. So while they were trying to fix the boat Benson saw a mansion that was on the top of a  small hill. So he said”i'm going to see if there is any supplies in that mansion”, so he went with some other people that were on the boat with him to the mansion. As soon as they entered the mansion there mouths dropped, there was already food on the table and everything is clean and looking sharp. They let themselves in while Benson was worried about the clean thing the food already set up”hey guys i wouldn't touch that food without smelling it i read this book once about this”Benson said.”ah give it a break would you kid”said a man from the table with the food.

Then they heard a strange sound like growling coming from the 2 floor of the mansion. So Benson called two people to come with him to the 2 floor, they went to the 2 floor and tried to keep listening to the noise and see where or which room is the noise coming from. They heard it again and this time it was louder and it sounded like it was coming from the master bedroom, they went in and everything was trashed up and molded,broken anything you can describe this room is it’s so trashed. They went in to see if anyone was there and see all the broken parts, they obviously found broken parts. Thena GIGANTIC MONSTER came out of the closet.

The people outside heard a scream”ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” then they blitzed of to the mansion and saw two people dead and they were the people that went with Benson. They ran out screaming like little girls then as they went to look back at the mansion the monster came flying straight at them and the MONSTER squashed them all.


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