Thursday, 26 March 2020


    • Most fun part of the day
    • What you haven’t enjoyed very much today
    • What you hope to be doing more of tomorrow
    • If you had a million dollars - what would you do with it?

the most fun part of my day was seeing my teachers face in the morning.

i have enjoyed doing the work about Venice.

i hope that we just have fun and play games all day.

i would share it with people that need it and people that are doing charity.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julius, it's been good seeing you so keen to engage with your teachers and peers this week. Well done you for making the adjustments necessary to continue with your learning - even at a distance from the classroom. Julius just a tip - when you paste your writing her from your google doc, use cntl shift and v - this way the text will stay in the correct margins when you publish your post. Malo lava Julius. Check out our front page on Monday for your Easter Learning Journey!
