which was today, there art will look nice and have lots of different colours.

On Wednesday we year 8s went to Tamaki for a college experience and it was fun. We had heaps of activities to do while we were spending our time there.
The first thing we did was Maths. For maths we basically didn’t do math, we just had fun with heaps of Bots that we could control and make them go around the room.
The second thing we did was PE. But this one was actually different because they had Gaming Pc's and then they had physical work. Among our group we did a rotations, we did some fun games in the gym while the other rotation was at the gaming Pc’s
The last rotation was Social studies. We just talked to each other about different subjects that the teacher gave us.
After everything we had lunch. For lunch we had pizza, there were so many pizzas we were able to grab a whole box for ourselves.
Tokelau may be small, and may have a relatively select population, however, it actually has its own language – Tokelauan, funnily enough. Although people across the atolls are known to speak English and Samoan, as well as Tuvaluan.
The population of Tokelau is truly tiny – according to numbers from a few years ago, it’s thought that there are fewer than 2,000 people here.
To get fresh water, Tokelauans have had to dig deep. That’s because, despite their watery location, there is nothing fresh on the surface. Digging wells is common across the atolls.
The residents will also depend on rainfall for the wells to replenish.
Tokelauans have made their way across to New Zealand, too. There are thought to be more than 6,000 living in the region, though these numbers are likely to have changed in the years since figures were derived.
Tokelau is hardly known for its high points! In fact, the tallest peak in the atolls comes to a towering five metres! That might be a nice little adventure for newbie mountaineers, at the least!
Hello and welcome to my little brief of my writing test coming up in 24 hour. Today I am going to write about why our parents should let us kids play fortnite. I think that because this is a very cool game and that they should let us play it because that is a part of our childhood, like crash bandicoot they played it and that was a cool game so what about fortnite.
My first reason why that should let us is because this game could be childhood memories. Because when we ask them what their favorite game back then they will have an answer. But when someone young asks us that question we would probably have nothing. Not saying that there is no other game, i'm just saying that we should be able to play it because it's a cool game and we can share with other people.
My second reason is that it’s a game and games are cool to play and experience when you're young. Fortnite is a Battle Royale game launched in September 2017. The objective of the game is to stay alive & safe from the approaching storm, 99 other players by doing everything that you can, from hiding in bushes to build fighting to fleeing when you're low on health.
So overall I think that they should let us kids play fortnite and any other games that we want to play. Hope you enjoyed and read the whole thing, make sure to show your mum and dad so that they can let you play fortnite.
Today for Art we did different types of lines, there are 7 elements of Art and one of the main ones are lines.
The first thing that I learned was that people that spike Maori back then would get spanked or slapped or beaten up. If a teacher or someone that knows Maori and teaches it would get arrested or killed were they stood.
The second thing that I learned was That the Maori language was trying to get extinct by people that didn't like it and tried to kill the language.
The third thing was that 30,00 people signed the treaty of Waitangi to give to the parliament .
The fourth thing that I learned was that only 4% of NZ only spoke Maori and dropped 1% within 2001 and 2006.
The last thing that I learned was that Captain Hook found the island and when Maori language came he tried to destroy the language. and he also stole things from people.
The story that our teacher showed was very sad because of what the dad and the mother had to do to there only daughter. They had to kill there daughter just to feed there king that arrived o there island and asked for food. But the thing was the island they were standing on couldn't produce anything like food or drinks, so for food they sacrificed there only daughter just to feed the king but he didn't eat it and the king said that he respects them for it.
For me i think that this is very sad and depressing and it wasn't the right decision. They could have explain to the king and his men that they could not make food for them because this island could not produce any food or water. I also think that he could ave just gone to fish in the sea to make things not as bad as they ended up.
This morning our teacher Mrs Tele'a told us a story of Maui and how Tongo got it's name. The stroy started with Maui, he went to and old man name Tongataumata'u( Tonga the expert fisherman). he sold very nice hooks and offered one to Maui, but Maui didn't choose any of them. He chose the old hook with scratches and dead leave and cod webs on it. Maui asked "what can i give you" Tongataumata'u was thinking. Then he got it he asked"when you fish up and island,name it after me", so when Maui fished up and island he named it Tonga.
Malo e lelei today I am going to talk about and share with you one thing about the Tonagn culture.
The traditional diet of the Tongan people consisted mostly of taro, yams, bananas, coconuts and of course seafood - the staple of any island nation. As Westerners began to arrive in the 19th and early 20th centuries, so too did new foods.
The reason why they have those kinds of foods is because those foods are from the Tongan island and the Tongan people love their island.
Task description: we are learning to multiply and subtract different numbers and decimals.
This week we are celebrating Tongan language week, this is a time to remember our Tongan community culture and to never forget it. In Tonga there capital is Nuku'alofa and this capital has a meaning, it means From Tongan nuku (“abode”) + alofa (“love”). Literally "abode of love". Also the royal family of Tonga is Tupou VI, has been formally crowned, more than three years after ascending to the throne. Foreign royals, including the Crown Prince of Japan, attended the coronation ceremony in the capital, Nuku'alofa.
If you were to give ideas for the next year 7/8 camp what would you suggest?I suggest that they make more groups and do more activities.
What would you keep?everything
What would you stop?nothing
What would you add?I like it the way it is.
Why do we have such events?to have so much fun.
Talk about whare tapa whā and key competencies? I think there all good because it helps you in different ways.
Quick finishers could make up a programme for 2021 events
Last week was very cool because me and the year 8 got to got to kvcc camping grounds. The activities we got to do is air riffles,Archery,goat car,ropes,paint ball and many more. The highlight of the camp was air riffles because when me Aurther and Leonidas were waiting we were telling funny jokes and mucking around with each other.