The story that our teacher showed was very sad because of what the dad and the mother had to do to there only daughter. They had to kill there daughter just to feed there king that arrived o there island and asked for food. But the thing was the island they were standing on couldn't produce anything like food or drinks, so for food they sacrificed there only daughter just to feed the king but he didn't eat it and the king said that he respects them for it.
For me i think that this is very sad and depressing and it wasn't the right decision. They could have explain to the king and his men that they could not make food for them because this island could not produce any food or water. I also think that he could ave just gone to fish in the sea to make things not as bad as they ended up.
Malo Julius. I was interested to read what you have written here. I have a question about what you have shared. Do you think the couple 'had to' sacrifice their daughter? Or was it that they believed they had no other choice. When you state 'they had to' it implies that they were forced to. If so, what do you think made them feel the 'had to' kill their daughter?