Thursday 26 July 2018

Immersion Assembly

WALT: using exciting language

It was the first day of term 3, this morning we had assembly  it was great. At assembly we had jump jam and skits made from different teams and all of them were about fitness. when the prefects went up to the stage with Mr Burt , Mr Jacobson we had to  dance, we dance ,move the same way they do to. The thing that was cool was the dancing especially the skits, they were awesome.

The theme for the school is  move ya body, that means that all of the school has to stay fit and stay active while spending half of their days in school. we  have a beep test on Wednesday where you run side to side and you have to get there before the beep of the alarm goes off, if you are to slow your out ,if your to fast the next set you won't have any breath , you won’t even be able to paste yourself.

Just watching team 4’s skite make me paint a picture in my head of them going on a low bar and standing while bending there neas and shooting up and pretending to do chin ups.

I want to learn about fitness and staying healthy. staying healthy is the same as being fit because eating healthy is making you fit, and being fit is being healthy. healthy as in vegetables,fruit and other healthy things,fit as in running,jiming,stretches and other options to keep you fit.

The theme is awesome because we all need to stay healthy to stay fit and energyst ready for anything in your day, that’s hard. you can  complete it because since you are fit and energyst you are ready to face it.

task description:learn new language.and learning how to check my work properly.and using exciting language.

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